
Place: Weston State Hospital

Subject: Patient 38210

Status: unknown

Age: 27

Period: 1981/1983

Sympt: -

Treatment: -

Incident Report and Progress Note:

Reported Incident:

Patient 38210, known as "Worf," escaped from the institution last week during the early morning hours.

The patient had shown significant improvement over the past year, evidenced by a marked reduction in hallucinatory episodes.

Recent Clinical History:

Clinical Improvement: Had ceased experiencing hallucinatory episodes and responded positively to the reduction of electroconvulsive therapy.

Medication: Was on a light medication regimen, with minimal doses of antipsychotics.

Details of the Escape:

The escape occurred during the early morning hours.

Worf took two other patients with him.

Both accomplices have histories of violent behavior.

Notes Found:

Identical notes were found in each of the patients' rooms.

The note read: "You have been recruited by the Fenrir Foundation. Welcome."

Action Plan:

Internal Investigation: Initiate a thorough review of security procedures and nighttime surveillance protocols.

External Collaboration: Notify local authorities and coordinate efforts with security forces to locate the patients.

Analysis of Notes: Further investigate the entity mentioned in the notes ("Fenrir Foundation") and its possible connection to the patients.

Staff Support: Provide psychological support and counseling to the staff affected by the incident.